Since 2011 – Suid Afrika Wild te Koop – Wildlife for sale South Africa – Trophies, Hunting Packages and live Animal sales
Here you have the opportunity to post classified ads with FREE registration, FREE wanted ads and paid selling options.
What to do next. What are my choices. How to market/showcase my piece of the Wildlife Industry.
If you are looking for animals, you can post a FREE ad under the WildLife Wanted category.
Trying to sell WildLife or something wildlife related, you have different options according to your needs. These are explained further down the page, please read the “More Info” section.
The next step:
Please register for FREE with your email address on one of the green buttons that says “Register your FREE account”.
Please used a Valid Username.
Then while you wait for the “Password email” that was sent to you, read the rest of this page.

1st register Then Place an Ad
More info
They will use their master account and load your ads on their account on your behalf – then charge you directly for the service provided.
Contact Directly:
Marco Claassens – (074) 766 8497
or e-mail
How to sign up
You can click in the buttons on this page or follow the +Signup button at the top menu on any page.
Create your username and e-mail address. Our system will then email a Computer generated Password to you. After logging in you can change your password by going to “Edit Profile” and then under “Account Management” you create your new password.
You can manage your Ads (Listings) within your own Dashboard.
Post an Ad – Under Categories you can decide were you want to advertise. Give as much details as possible (please include your Name, Contact Number, Detailed Description of what you want to sell or what you are looking for, and very importantly please include your area.)
Paid or Free ads will be activated by Admin after approval and payment was received where relevant.
Under Membership – Purchase option:
- Membership Package: R950 for 365 days (unlimited ads of different topics/species/items will be valid for a 31 day period during the 365 days – no duplicate ads) – Only Ads with your own/team phone numbers allowed.
- Membership Package: R350 for 15 days (unlimited ads for 15 days during the 15 days period – no duplicate ads) – Only Ads with your own phone/team numbers allowed.
Normal Ad –
- Once-off charge of R100 to display your ad for a period of 31 days on our Network. (Selling/Advertising something)
- FREE of charge. Valid for a period of 31 days on our Network. (NO Selling)
Since we don’t do any non-related topics/items, and we reserve the right to remove / merge / create categories as we see fit. Some categories are reserved for special cases only.
Please note our marketing efforts might give you exposure outside of our own network – places like Google, Facebook etc.
We reserve the right to change anything at anytime.
Any Queries, Questions or Suggestions:
Please contact Marco Claassens
(074) 766 8497
- Animal imply anything being sold on our system.
- We are simply a platform for the display of Animals for Sale and have no facilities. We have no control over any transaction in which you are involved, neither can we verify the truth of any statements made in an advertisement.
- Before you agree to purchase or to supply any animal you agree to take all the precautions needed to make sure that the person with whom you are dealing has been open and honest.
- You enter into any transaction with any other user of our website at your own risk.
- We do not accept any liability if you are using the services we offer.
- On behalf of us and anyone who works with or for us (as far as we are allowed by law) we deny liability for any losses of all kinds which you incur from using the services we offer, visiting our website and using the System.
- We reserve the right to withdraw any animals or service from our Website at any time.
- We shall not be liable to anyone for the withdrawing of any ad or animals from the website or for refusing to accept an Order.